When it comes to your garage it is very easy for it to become the designated junk drawer times one hundred. A lot of people have the mentality out of sight out of mind but even though your garage isn't necessarily inside of your home it is still very much a part of it and order should be in place. Since it's generally a larger area to work with that holds a lot of miscellaneous items we've found that it is extremely beneficial/important to create zones. By creating zones you will have a designated area per category ensuring that the correct items stay together and can be located.
Here is a brief list of the usual zones that are created for our client's garages.
Household Maintenance items
-Extra paint, hardware, tiles etc.
Beach/ Swim gear
-Pool noodles, beach chairs, snorkels etc.
-Photo albums, kids art work, old cd’s etc.
Off season clothing
-Winter clothes when it's summer time etc.
Gardening supplies
-Racks, tools, soil etc.
Seasonal decorations
-Halloween, chanukah, holiday etc.
Gym equipment
-Weights, bands, balls, treadmill etc.
Sporting equipment
-Baseball bats, basketball hoops, footballs etc.
Holiday kitchenware
-Passover dishes
Every garage space is different and each client's needs vary. Depending on your space, style and budget we have a couple of recommendations for you.
Links from left to right:
Links from left to right:
Other recommended items for your garage:
Links from left to right:
The most important step is labeling. Once you have everything placed in their designated zone you're going to label every bin. This is going to take all your hard work to the next level. The brother P touch cube plus is our holly grail. There are so many fun fonts and sizes to choose from labeling will become your new favorite hobby!
I hope you had fun reading this as much as I did writing it! My advice is to divide everything up into small tasks. Make sure to get the right measurements of your space and customize your organization to your personal needs. Be realistic and remember to have fun!
